Climate Assessment Meeting

Climate balance in focus: act instead of talk!

A responsible environmental footprint is more important today than ever before. It is about minimizing our ecological footprint and therefore protecting our planet. In this context, a positive environmental footprint means that we as individuals, companies and society take active measures to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and optimize our use of resources. Only through consistent and sustainable implementation we can secure a future worth living for generations to come. The environmental footprint includes the absolute emissions, which can be recorded with the help of the Ecocockpit and the Defra emission factors. A comprehensive carbon footprint assessment requires the creation of a Scope 1 and 2 balance, but an extension to Scope 3 emissions must also be considered. Here, it is important to precisely determine the calculation approach for emissions and to adapt it to the individual circumstances of the organization. In this context, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol provides valuable support for assessing the climate footprint and determining measures to reduce emissions.

On 03.05.2023 the 2nd efficiency workshop of the energy efficiency network BGL took place. During this event, there was a lively debate on the topic of carbon footprint. Participants shared their views and discussed strategies to reduce the environmental footprint. The discussion was characterized by a strong commitment to environmental protection and a clear objective to minimize the ecological footprint. The workshop was thus an important step towards a more sustainable future and illustrated the participants’ commitment to environmental protection.

We at Südmetall want to make our contribution and consciously work for a positive climate balance. Read more….

Teilnahmebestätigung Klimanetzwerktreffen