Distribution centers

Distribution centers
GermanySüd-Metall Beschläge GmbHSägewerkstraße 583404 Ainring/ HammerauGermany
Tel.: +49 8654 / 4675-50
Fax: +49 8654 / 4675-70
E-Mail : info@suedmetall.com
Distribution centers
SwitzerlandSüd-Metall Beschläge Schweiz GmbHHauptstraße 996260 ReidenSwitzerland
Tel.: +41 62 / 749 2211
Fax: +41 62 / 749 2214
E-Mail : info@ch.suedmetall.com
Distribution centers
FranceAlmar Südmetall Group FranceLes Malfosses – Route de Lignières18200 NozièresFrance
Tel. +33 248 / 615 914
Fax: +33 248 / 962 689
E-Mail : contact@sofoc.com
Distribution centers
NetherlandsAlmar Südmetall Group BeneluxRechtszaad 104703 RC RoosendaalNetherlands
E-Mail : verkoop@asgbenelux.nl
Distribution centers
ChinaAlmar Südmetall Group ChinaRoom A11, 12 F Agile Center26 Huaxia RoadTianhe District – GuangzhouChina 510620
Tel.: +86 20 / 6227 / 4691
Fax: +86 20 / 6227 / 4692
E-Mail : info@suedmetall.cn
https://www.suedmetall.cnDevelopment and production

Development and production
ItalyAlmar S.p.a.Loc. Merlaro 925070 Nozza di VestoneItaly
Tel.: +39 0365 / 878 911
Fax: +39 0365 / 878 932
E-Mail : info@almarspa.com
Development and production
GermanySüd-Metall Schließsysteme Leipzig GmbHApelsteinallee 104416 MarkkleebergGermany
Tel.: +49 34297 / 1645-0
Fax: +49 34297 / 1645-29
E-Mail : info@suedmetall-schliesssysteme.com